Meet Poojya Guruji in online E-Satsang

Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji speaks to his students in his weekly Satsangs guiding them on how to become more and more free in serving and living in joy and peace.
Please join along with your family, friends and other spiritual seekers.Let us sing, dance and celebrate the Joy of being together.
Let us together spread the Joy of Living and Serving the humanity.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Advance SSY reminder

Sorry for repeat message – the previous one went garbled.


Dear self,


Just practicing your Pranayam & meditation daily and eating Raw Foods is not enough for growing in spiritual path. This will ensure that you have enough energy to manage your daily life. For spiritual development it is most important to maintain the enthusiasm from remaining inspired.


Inspiration is a key to advancement in spirituality. Your connection with your GURU / spiritual teacher / guide is most important. Listening to the words of wisdom, receiving clearance on difficulties faced in your spiritual practice and sharing experiences with other seekers will keep the enthusiasm going and growing.


For this we meet once a month for the “Advance SSY” - follow up sessions.
You can either join us in person at my place at 105 Liberty Street, Tustin, CA 92782
OR join online though Skype (ID-ssyvishakha)
OR on WiziQ (


For joining online - RSVP 3 days before the scheduled day is MUST for adding your contact.


Jai Gurudev!


Love & blessings Vishakha