Meet Poojya Guruji in online E-Satsang

Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji speaks to his students in his weekly Satsangs guiding them on how to become more and more free in serving and living in joy and peace.
Please join along with your family, friends and other spiritual seekers.Let us sing, dance and celebrate the Joy of being together.
Let us together spread the Joy of Living and Serving the humanity.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

E-Satsang of Guruji


Hope you know that Guruji's E-satsang has become a regular event now every Sunday 10.30 am.

This is the page u need to always visit to locate E-satsang of Guruji tomorrow 10.30 am. Click on it or cut-paste
it into your browser. Also bookmark the page or add to favourites :!/LifeYessenceAcademy

Pls take note of foll :

Remember that no member id and password is required. Just enter your name as a guest and that is enough.

1. Some times, Satsang commences upto 30 min after the scheduled time owing to multiple reasons. Please bear
   with us in the meantime. If at anytime before 11.15 am, your browser shows ' the meeting has ended', pls stay put.
2. The chat window within the screen will provide exact status from the support staff. Too much activity on the chat window
    may often affect streaming speed.

3. Sometimes Pujya Guruji asks for feedback or questions after his talk. The same can be sent through the chat window.
    If you are watching the Satsang in full-screen mode, the chat window may not be apparently visible but can be pulled up from the side.

4. Always keep in touch with the Facebook page during the Satsang hours as well as half an hour before and after. If any special
   last-minute-changes etc, the same will be flashed on the Facebook page.

5. If you cannot see Guruji's face on the full-screen, just log-out and re-enter. This may solve this issue.

6. If you miss the satsang for some reason, the recorded link will generally be made available on the Facebook page within an hour.

Your constructive feedback on will help the support staff in their endeavours and will help us make the
 future E-Satsangs more enjoyable for all.

Jai Gurudev,
If your life is full of chaos, you are probably not going slow enough. 

If your life is free of chaos, you are probably not going fast enough ...