Meet Poojya Guruji in online E-Satsang

Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji speaks to his students in his weekly Satsangs guiding them on how to become more and more free in serving and living in joy and peace.
Please join along with your family, friends and other spiritual seekers.Let us sing, dance and celebrate the Joy of being together.
Let us together spread the Joy of Living and Serving the humanity.

Friday, November 19, 2010

FW: Invitation to volunteer / participate in the fun club this week end

Jai Gurudev,


This weekend 7 more members will be initiated in the Joyful Living of SSY.


As always it would be wonderful for you to participate in the fun club. You could even volunteer in preparing food or other tasks and support us. You can contact Shravan (408 316 1712) for RSVP for volunteering.


For those of you who wish to come on the day of initiation – please note that this time the initiation is on Sunday – 9am to 5pm (fun club – 9am to 10-30 am).


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loving Invitation for Introduction to Siddha Samadhi Yoga on Friday, Nov 12th

Channelize Your Energy

Dear Friends,

To attract what you want you need to change or shift your energy.
Everything in this world is made up of energy including us.
Other people pick up on your energy.
If it's positive you'll attract positive people into your life.
If you have negative energy, you'll always attract negative people and negative situations into your life.

If you find that you're getting exactly what you don't want or if that you are not getting what you want, then you're simply sending out the wrong energy. You'll attract what corresponds to your energy. Change your energy - and you'll start getting what you want. It's really that simple.

But how do you bring about this change? Channeling your energy in a positive direction does not happen from doing good things or forcing yourself to think positively. It is a natural result of your BEING positive and joyful! Only when you are joyful naturally and without effort, then your energy also becomes positive. You will be able to easily focus that energy towards creating what you truly wish to create!

Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY) provides the tools for you to connect with your own natural joyfulness and operate in life through effortlessness. When you are connected with your own inner joy, your every action, your every thought, becomes a miracle!

Join us for a Free Introduction to SSY on Friday, November 12th, and see what it is to operate from your true potential!

When: Friday, November 12th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: "Peace Home" @ 30 Christamon E, Irvine, CA 92620

To RSVP, please contact or call (949) 705 6670.

Shravan Panyam
(408) 316 1712

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Invitation for "EAT HEALTHY FEED HEALTHY" WORKSHOP at Garden Patch Desi Market


When: Wednesday, October 6, 2010 6:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

13230 Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA 92602

Did you know food can give positive or negative energy?
Did you know eating/cooking can be a meditative experience?
Did you know food can bring people together?

SATVIK food supports your physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual health!

Please join us in a unique workshop “Eat Healthy Feed Healthy” & learn to prepare mouth watering SATVIK recipes & enjoy a SATVIK dinner with us.

As a Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY) teacher I have been experimenting with the food that supports us for spiritual study. The term SATVIK - is used in Ayurveda for the food which is balanced. This food helps us to maintain the emotional and spiritual balance in tern maintaining a physical balance.

I founded “Manna Health Foods” in India for promoting SATVIK food by conducting SATVIK Food training workshops and supplying SATVIK lunches to executives in companies in Pune (India). I have conducted many workshops teaching men, women and children to make tasty and healthy recipes of SATVIK food in India and now in USA. These recipes are most delicious & very easy to make.

RSVP by October 4th.


Love & blessings,




Eat Natural, Serve Natural, Be Natural


Phone: (949) 705 6670



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Canceled: Advance SSY

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
TZID:Pacific Time (US & Canada)
DESCRIPTION:When: Occurs the last Saturday of every 1 month effective 10/30
/2010 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).\nWh
ere: Skype - add ID - ssyvishakha\n\nNote: The GMT offset above does not r
eflect daylight saving time adjustments.\n\n*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*\n\nDear Te
achers\,\n\nAfter my return from India our advance class schedules have be
en disturbed. I propose we meet on every last Saturday mornings either in
person at Peace Home or online depending on your availability. \n\nI will
send reminder to the group once you all confirm.\n\nPlease RSVP ASAP\n\nLo
ve Vishakha\n\nNote: \nJust practicing your Pranayam & meditation daily an
d eating Raw Foods is not enough for growing in spiritual path. This will
ensure that you have enough energy to manage your daily life. For spiritua
l development it is most important to maintain the enthusiasm from remaini
ng inspired.\n\nInspiration is a key to advancement in spirituality. Your
connection with your GURU / spiritual teacher / guide is most important. L
istening to the words of wisdom\, receiving clearance on difficulties face
d in your spiritual practice and sharing experiences with other seekers wi
ll keep the enthusiasm going and growing.\n\nFor this we meet once a month
for the "Advance SSY" - follow up sessions. \nYou can either join us
in person at Peace Home – 30 Christamon E\, Irvine 92620 \nOR join onlin
e though Skype (ID-ssyvishakha) \nOR on WiziQ (
-class/275986-advance-ssy) \n\nFor joining online - RSVP 3 days before the
scheduled day is MUST for adding your contact.\n\nFor details contact ssy\; 949 705 6670\n\nJai Gurudev!\n\nLove & blessings Visha
DTEND;TZID="Pacific Time (US & Canada)":20101030T110000
DTSTART;TZID="Pacific Time (US & Canada)":20101030T090000
LOCATION:Skype - add ID - ssyvishakha
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Canceled: Advance SSY
N">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server ve
rsion 08.00.0681.000">\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<!-- Converted f
rom text/rtf format -->\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calib
ri">When: Occurs the last Saturday of every 1 month effective 10/30/2010 f
rom 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp\; Canada).</FONT
></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Where:
Skype - add ID - ssyvishakha</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="e
n-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect day
light saving time adjustments.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG=
"en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P D
IR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060"
FACE="Verdana">Dear Teachers\,</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG=
"en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">After my return from India ou
r advance class schedules have been disturbed. I propose we meet on every
last Saturday mornings either in person at Peace Home or online depending
on your availability. </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us">
<FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">I will send reminder to the group onc
e you all confirm.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FON
T COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Please RSVP ASAP</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P
DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Love Visha
kha</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#00206
0" FACE="Verdana">Note: </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us
"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Just prac
ticing your Pranayam &amp\; meditation daily and eating Raw Foods is not e
nough for growing in spiritual path. This will ensure that you have enough
energy to manage your daily life. For spiritual development it is most im
portant to maintain the enthusiasm from remaining inspired.</FONT></SPAN><
/P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">
Inspiration is a key to advancement in spirituality. Your connection with
your GURU / spiritual teacher / guide is most important. Listening to the
words of wisdom\, receiving clearance on difficulties faced in your spirit
ual practice and sharing experiences with other seekers will keep the enth
usiasm going and growing.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-u
s"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">For this we meet once a month for
the "Advance SSY" - follow up sessions.<BR>\nYou can either join us in
person at</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><B></B></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us
"><B> <FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Peace Home – 30 Christamon E\
, Irvine 92620</FONT></B></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-u
s"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana"><BR>\nOR join online though Skype
(ID-ssyvishakha)<BR>\nOR on WiziQ (</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN
="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Verdana"
AN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><F
ONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">) </FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPA
N LANG="en-us"><B></B></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><B><FONT COLOR="#002060" F
ACE="Verdana">For joining online - RSVP 3 days before the scheduled day is
MUST for adding your contact.</FONT></B></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN L
ANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG
="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">For details contact</FONT></
N LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Ve
rdana"></FONT></U></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN></A
><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="
Verdana">\; 949 705 6670</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us
"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Jai Gurudev!</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<
P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT COLOR="#002060" FACE="Verdana">Love &am
p\; blessings Vishakha</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="
en-us"></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-
X-MS-OLK-SENDER;CN="Vishakha Purandare"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Canceled: Initiation

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
TZID:Pacific Standard Time
DESCRIPTION:When: Saturday\, September 25\, 2010 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (GMT-08:00
) Pacific Time (US & Canada).\nWhere: Yoga Studio\n\nNote: The GMT offset
above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.\n\n*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
DTEND;TZID="Pacific Standard Time":20100925T170000
DTSTART;TZID="Pacific Standard Time":20100925T090000
LOCATION:Yoga Studio
RECURRENCE-ID;TZID="Pacific Standard Time":20100925T090000
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Canceled: Initiation
N">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server ve
rsion 08.00.0681.000">\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<!-- Converted f
rom text/rtf format -->\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calib
ri">When: Saturday\, September 25\, 2010 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Pacif
ic Time (US &amp\; Canada).</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en
-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Where: Yoga Studio</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=L
TR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">Note: The GMT offset above does
not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.</FONT></SPAN></P>\n\n<P DIR
=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri">*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</FONT></S
PAN></P>\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"></SPAN
X-MS-OLK-SENDER;CN="Vishakha Purandare"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living to Die OR Dying to LIVE!

In last 15 years while studying yoga, meditation and all those aspects about life which would make it easy for living life my observation about self and others around me was that we are living every moment in fear of losing something or the other.

We love people with fear of losing them;
We act with a fear of failing;

We smile in fear of looking bad;

Every act we do, word we say or even thought we think originates from some fear.

We start our journey of life with a fear that it is going to end some day.
Every moment that we spend we are either in the past moment feeling sorry for not spending it right
OR being anxious about our future.

And in this process we completely lose the present moment.

We spend the whole life this way, moment by moment, losing each moment either in sorrow or in anxiety.

Anger, depression, stress, tiredness, lethargy are mental symptoms of this pattern of our behavior. And the physical effect of this pattern is diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, anxiety and many more. We are so locked in this pattern that no intellectual / logical understanding will help.


How to stop this?

For creating new we must destroy the old.


Both requires more energy to change the pattern, silence to absorb the loss and wisdom to establish the new pattern. Only then we can change our life.


Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY) helps you do this. It gives you amazingly effective tools such as Pranayam & High Pranic diet for energizing, Samadhi Meditation for silence and understanding true principles which makes life work for wisdom. With these tools you can change the old pattern of life and create a new life that works.


Let us understand how SSY works in a free introductory session on this Friday – August 27th at 7pm (to 8-30pm) at Yoga Studio in the Rishi Joy Therapy and Wellness Center at 30 East Christamon, Irvine CA 92620.


RSVP must by tomorrow evening 7pm on / 949 705 6670


Joyfully yours




Be joyous within!

Life Yessence Academy (LiYA) USA

Southern California Chapter
Tel: O- (949) 705 6670;


We are a non-profit, non-religious, educational incorporation.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guruji's Visit to Southern California

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce that Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji is blessing us with his presence from Monday, July 26th to Sunday, August 1st. As we want to make the most of his time with us, we have organized the following programs with Guruji during his stay with us.

Monday July 26th - Inauguration of Matru Mandir by Guruji
Timings: 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Thursday July 29th - Sunday August 1st - AMC with Guruji
Timings: 7:00pm July 29th - 5:00pm August 1st
Requirements for attending:
You must have completed the SSY Basic course and have attended at least one prior AMC retreat.

The Venue for all three programs will be:
"Rishi Joy Therapy & Wellness Center"
IRVINE, CA 92620

If you would like to attend any of the above, please RSVP to You may use the same email address if you have any questions or inquiries.

Joyfully Yours,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Guru Poornima Celebration on Sunday, July 25th

Dear Friends,

We are very excited to let you know that our beloved Guruji Poojya Rishi Prabhakarji is visiting us on the occasion of Guru Poornima. Poojya Guruji will be here from July 25th to August 1st.
With great love and joy we invite you for the celebration of Guru Poornima on Sunday July 25th at 30, (E) Christamon, Irvine CA 92620 from 4pm to 8 pm.

This is our 7th Guru Poornima and every year we celebrate Guru Poornima with great enthusiasm in our center. The whole SSY family in Irvine and nearby locations get together to offer their love to Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji, Bhagwan Vishveshwaraiyya Guruji and other great masters.

With the universal spirit of SSY, every year we offer our gratitude to all the great masters who have contributed to this world by passing their knowledge and service on this day. So you are requested to bring a picture of your Guru or other great masters you know along with you so we can include them in the Guru Pooja.

As an offering you can bring fruits and flowers.

Program schedule is as follows:
(a separate email with driving directions and parking instructions will be sent soon.)
  • 3.45pm  – Everyone will arrive and take their seats
  • 4:00 pm  – We will start with Guru Vandana
  • 4:00 to 4-30 – Bhajans by Saneyee Purandare
  • 4:30 to 5:15 – “Guru & me” – our young teachers & some meditators 
    will share their relationship with the Guruji
  • 5:15 to 5:30pm  – Guru Stotra chanting led by Shravan Panyam
    Sankalpa process led by Vishakha
    & Guru Pooja led by Dnyanesh Dharmadhikari
  • 5:30 to 6:30pm  – “My experiences of “Being with Guruji” in India” by Vishakha &
    “Creation of a Happy Society” – Presentation on LiYA USA Projects
  • 6:30 to 8:00pm  – We will then share Dinner Prasad.

It is our great fortune that Poojya Guruji is arriving the night of Guru Poornima from Canada for blessing our center. He will personally inaugurate the “Matru Mandir” on Monday July 26thand the “SATVIK Seva Kitchen” and conduct an AMC (Advance Meditation Camp). We will send a detailed program of his visit separately.  

We are looking forward to seeing you taking this wonderful opportunity to be with Poojya Guruji and participate whole heartedly in all programs.

Joyfully yours,

Monday, May 24, 2010

New YOG Basic Batch Starting on Thursday, May 27th

Dear Friends,

Each and every one of us is blessed with a beautiful and wonderful body whose sole purpose is to allow us to live our life to the fullest. And all of us are blessed with an ever-giving universe that provides us with a world to enjoy, and ample energy to enjoy it with. And yet, many of us find ourselves with "lack of energy", "lack of time", or "health problems". When the whole of Nature is selflessly providing us with everything that we need, why is it that we experience these inadequacies? It is simply because we have lost the connection, the "one-ness", with our self, our bodies, and our surroundings, instead blaming them for our problems.

The practice of YOG restores this connection with the source and allows us to appreciate and enjoy the many gifts of life. By restoring this connection, we automatically bring about good health, high energy, and happiness.

YOG Basic is designed to provide you with the tools to maintain this good health and energy throughout your day. In this course, we will learn Pranayama, Surya Namaskar, Yogasanas, and AUM Therapy. If you are interested in learning, then please join us on Thursday, May 27th for a free introduction to the course. Please invite and forward this to any friends or family who would be interested in the course.

Day / Time: Every Thursday between 7 pm & 8 pm (Free Introduction - May 27th) Venue: Ektaa Center @ 2691 Richter Ave. Ste 105, Irvine CA 92606
Cost: $50 per person for all 8 sessions, or $25 per person if you are repeating the course Special instructions:
  • Please bring your own Yoga Mat & a beach towel
  • Please wear loose & comfortable clothes
  • Please do not eat at least 2 hours before the class
For more information on the program, click here. For any inquiries about this program, please contact me at or (408) 316 1712.

Shravan Panyam
(408) 316 1712

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Advance SSY reminder

Sorry for repeat message – the previous one went garbled.


Dear self,


Just practicing your Pranayam & meditation daily and eating Raw Foods is not enough for growing in spiritual path. This will ensure that you have enough energy to manage your daily life. For spiritual development it is most important to maintain the enthusiasm from remaining inspired.


Inspiration is a key to advancement in spirituality. Your connection with your GURU / spiritual teacher / guide is most important. Listening to the words of wisdom, receiving clearance on difficulties faced in your spiritual practice and sharing experiences with other seekers will keep the enthusiasm going and growing.


For this we meet once a month for the “Advance SSY” - follow up sessions.
You can either join us in person at my place at 105 Liberty Street, Tustin, CA 92782
OR join online though Skype (ID-ssyvishakha)
OR on WiziQ (


For joining online - RSVP 3 days before the scheduled day is MUST for adding your contact.


Jai Gurudev!


Love & blessings Vishakha


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Dear self,


Jai Gurudev!


The distance between theory and practice is as far as your time to commit!


If you think what you learnt in SSY is still not translated in your practice then all you are lacking is your commitment to bring it into practice.


The path of enlightenment is about increasing your awareness about yourself & your surrounding and integrating the surroundings in your inner self. It is only through the growth in your awareness that you get established in your true nature of “Universal Being”.  


SILENCE is the tool to bring that awareness.


Getting busy with action loses silence and awareness fades away. Retreat into your inner silence in serene natural surroundings & reestablish your silence within. “Nitya Samadhi” is being in OKness 24X7!


Your retreat starts on AMC-I - Friday, February 19th at 7 pm. The venue is O’Neill Park, Orange County – see details on attached documents.

It is a camping retreat and the experience will be extremely remarkable. Reading the experiences of some of your fellow seekers (attached) may inspire you to take that next step which you have been postponing for some time.


You still have 6 hours to decide if you want to be BUSY or FREE?


RSVP today by 4pm.


For any questions call me (949 705 6670) OR email me –


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Experiences of Infant Siddha Program (ISP) Training

Dear friends,


Poojya Guruji’s many years of research, experiments, experience & learnings has given birth to something so wonderful. ISP is nothing less than a miraculous program.


Recently 2 of our meditator couples Kapil, Anju and Sailaja, Krishna gave birth to their babies. Anju and Kapil’s Arna is 2 months old now and Shriram – Sailaja and Krishna’s little son is just a few days old. We (I and Anju) could not believe our eyes when we sat 1 day old Arna turning her head from side to side and responding to our voice or when she crawled about 3 inches on her 2nd and 3rd days. Same is the case with Shriram. He not only crawled and pushed himself ahead about 2-3 inches but also was communicating with me and his mother when we spoke to him on day one. This is really amazingJ


How I wish I had taken this training when I was pregnant or at least when my daughters were younger!


Friends, please don’t miss this opportunity for knowing more about it and letting all your young daughters, sons, nephews, nieces and anyone and everyone who is expecting a baby or has kids between the age 0 to 8 know about ISP. You can send them your personal invitation for the 2 free introductions we have kept – one in Irvine and the other in La Palma ( see the details in attached flier).


Here are some experiences of our ISP parents of the first batch in Irvine –


1. Asawari & Sumeet Palkar - Neel’s parents ( Neel was 18 months old when his parents took the ISP class)

   Father – After ISP I found that Neel is understanding the smallest instruction now. He is able to communicate with us so well. His vocabulary has grown tremendously.

Mother – With ISP training I became more patient and careful about dealing with Neel. He has become more social and more curious about everything.


2. Kapil and Anju Rajpal – Ohm’ parents (Ohm was 4&1/2 when they took this class and Anju was also pregnant with the second baby)

Father – My own awareness about parenting increased tremendously after taking the ISP training. The tools given to us in this training are working very well with Ohm. His fear factor has reduced tremendously. Ohm has always been a very physically active child but now we see more patience in him. His anger when he cannot express something well has reduced as his vocabulary has improved. His love for reading has improved tremendously.

Mother – After ISP training I have become very care free. I am able to implement all what they taught us in the class and see the changes in Ohm. In spite of my pregnancy and other household work I am able to actively participate and enjoy all his activities. Ohm’s patience is improved tremendously and he is able to understand my instructions well. His communication in school has improved too and there is a remarkable improvement in his focus.  


Note: recently after his little sister’s birth Ohm’s participation in her life shows a tremendous emotional and social maturity. Usually children feel very insecure when their little sibling comes along but Ohm was trained by his parents to deal with this with tools given in ISP.


3. Trupti & Abhijit Pednekar – Adwait’s parents (Adwait was 5 months when his parents took the ISP training)

Father – With the ISP training I have become more child friendly. We also made some changes in the house and made the house child friendly too. Adwait having born prematurely did not crawl but after the ISP training he started crawling. He now love all the learning methods and enjoys doing it with us.

Mother – I started thinking from Adwait’s pint of view. Adwait’s responses have gone up. He now plays on his own and does not demand my attention all the time. Recently he started playing in water too while earlier he had fear of water.


4. Aarti Chauhan – Aarti is a special aid teacher and teaches children who have learning disability – With ISP training I have become more positive and less controlling. Now instead of me forcing them to study I can see my students learning on their own. With the tools I learned in ISP my students are excited about studies, they are more motivated, more willing to do things for me and create more work on their own. They have become more self driven and study on their own.


Joyfully your's




Be joyous within!

Life Yessence Academy (LiYA) USA

Southern California Chapter
105 Liberty Street, Tustin CA 92782
Tel: O- (949) 705 6670; C - (949) 689 9738


We are a non-profit, non-religious, educational incorporation.


From: SSY SOCAL []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:09 PM
Subject: Be the first GURU to your child with Infant Siddha Program (ISP) Training


Dear young parents & would be parents,


The world today knows that 80% of the brain development happens during the first 8 years of your child. Also the right brain development is complete by your child becomes 4 years. This means that your child’s emotional development, intuition and creativity is locked after he is 4. The happiness quotient is based on these aspects of your child.


Parents are the first Gurus of the child. Only through aware parenting we can develop our child to be a happy and truly universal child who can be independent and self sufficient wherever he/she goes.

Glen Doman of The Institute for Achievement of Human Potential who did a lot of research on early child development and created learning tools for infants made a revolutionary change in the way parents can educate infants.  But Poojya Guruji Rishi Prabhakarji being a scientist in the area of human consciousness and effects of meditation on human mind went a step ahead. He did a detailed study on what goes into developing a child to be happy for ever. His own experiments with his own son Siddhant and children of many of our SSY teachers resulted in an amazingly wonderful program called Infant Siddha Program (ISP).


The ISP program was nurtured, explored and established by our brilliant teachers Manoj Lekhi (Mumbai) & Ravishankar (Hydrabad). Today ISP is creating revolution in young parents life in many parts of India including many villages where modern educational tools are still not so easily available. The Mumbai SSY team under guidance of Manojji is running a school – MET Rishi Gurukul in Bandra where hundreds of children and their parents are given this education.


We in our Southern California Center recently introduced the ISP training and have already successfully completed 2 batches with very encouraging and inspiring results. If you want to know how to make the most of the first few years (from conception to the age of 8) of your child’s life so your child is a happy child for the rest of his life then please join us for free introduction in Irvine on this Friday January 29th OR in Cerritos on Sunday January 31st. See details in attached flier. You will get to hear some of the parents experiences who have already taken the ISP program.


Let us join hands in creating happy children who grow up to build a happy world!


Joyfully your's

Vishakha Purandare


Being joyous within!

Life Yessence Academy (LiYA) USA

Southern California Chapter
105 Liberty Street, Tustin CA 92782
Tel: O- (949) 705 6670; C - (949) 689 9738


We are a non-profit, non-religious, educational incorporation.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Invitation to free workshop "Introduction to Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY)"

Dear friends,


I am writing this email to you for personally inviting you on this Friday - January 15th for a free introduction to our Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY) program. The venue is 8245 E. Monte Vista RD., Anaheim Hills, Ca 92808; time 7 to 9 pm.


Today when Yoga is recognized even by the modern medical science for prevention of ailments from common cold to diseases such as dementia, strokes, diabetes, heart attacks and even cancer; persons like Dr. Vyas (who is hosting this program at her office for her patients and friends) are doing a great service to our society by not only practicing Yoga herself but offering the same to her patients and friends.


SSY is a very systematic training scientifically designed by our Guru Rishi Prabhakar which is not just about postures and breathing. SSY takes care of all 5 aspects of life management. It trains to manage physical, energy, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels of human life. Hence SSY is considered as a complete training in self management.


In my past 15 years of learning and training I have seen thousands of people getting free from not only their health problems but also improving the quality of their family and professional life.


It is my pleasure and honor to have you with me on this free orientation.


For program details please see the flyer attached.


Joyfully your's
